Monday, June 6, 2011

June 6th ,2011

I like this photo because it very interesting and unreal I never saw a turtle the same size as a grape that most people eat everyday. This photo is kind of wired but its cool at the same time and this photo is kind of cute because it looks like the grape is the perfect match for the baby turtle and actually if you look good enough it looks like the turtle and the grape is kissing but it's impossible because as we all know grapes don't have lips to kiss because the grape is a fruit and not a human being. 

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


1.) Texture is the way a surface , substance or a piece of cloth feels when you touch it such as how rough,smooth an object is.

2.)  Shooting texture takes photography one step further because it's conveying to the viewer not only how something look but also how it feels to the touch.

3.) The bonus of photographing bricks is the often add a bonus of creating patterns and symmetrical shapes.

4.) One plant texture you can photograph is leaves the texture can be interesting because it could be veined spiky and succulent.

5.) One touchable quality of paint is a sin new coat of paint on a windowsill an old peeling fence or a thickly layered oil painting all invite the lens forwards to reproduce touchable qualities.

6.) Stone lend itself to texture studies because both in nature and in more urban settings.

7.) Some aspects of wood that are inspiring new opportunity such as twisted roots , roughly chopped fire piles, shavings and splinters in the carpenter's yard , smoothly sand new grain visible gnarls and knots,a slickly varnished chair leg they always have inspiring moments.

8.) Three fabrics that can be photograph at school is the clothes we wear and warm wool and also carpet.

9.) One quality that rope has is different sizes and rope can be found in school is the auditorium because of the curtains when you open & close them.

10.) Metal is a good material to photograph because metal gives a smooth, cool, reflective , rusty tarnish look and it provides the photographer with another great texture to work on.

Color Purple, Color Symbolism #5

1.) The color i choose to focus on in this photograph is green

2.) The meaning this color can convey is nature , environment and healthy.

3.) This color can relate to the passage because the color green represent nature and the boy was peeking behind the tree.

4.) This photo relates to the passage from the book because they use trees as a symbol of nature.

5.) A quote from the passage that connects to the photo is "I make myself wood i say to myself ,celie you a tree."

6.) This photo gives the same feeling as the passage because it's very environmental.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Color Purple ,Color Symbolism #4

1.) The color i choose was orange

2.) The meanings this color can convey is energy and demanding of attention.

3.)  This color relates to the passage because orange  means demanding of attention so she was raising the belt to get her scared and pay attention.

4.)This photograph relates to the passage because the women told her children to get the belt.

5.) A quote from the passage that connects to this photo is " He say Celie git the belt."

6.) My photo gives the same feeling as the passage because the way these 2 are seems like she demanding her attention and if she don't listen to what she has to say she will get beaten.

The Color Purple ,Color Symbolism #3

1.) The color i choose for this photograph is red

2.) The meaning this color can convey is desire,aggression and intense.

3.)This color relates to the passage because the boy was so sad it turn into aggression.

4.) This photo relates to the passage from the book because he so was so fed up he got angry.

5.) A quote from the passage that connects to this photo is " I bite the insides of my jaws."

6.) This photo gives the same feeling as the passage because it said the boy was so sad and angry so he bites his lips to try and control he emotions.

The Color Purple ,Color Symbolism #2

1.) The color I use for this photo is black.

2.) The meaning this color can convey is unhappiness and sadness

3.) This color relates to the story because in the story the boy is very unhappy and very strained.

4.) This photo relates to the passage because the boy needs to pray so he could get help with god for his emotions.

5.) A quote from this passage that connects with photo to the story " I prayed for strength."

6.) My photo gives the same feeling as the passage because the boy is very unhappy so he praying to god to give him strength to feel better.

The Color Purple ,Color Symbolism #1

1.) The color I used for my 1st photograph is blue.

2.) The meaning this color can convey is depression.

3.) This color relates to the passage because in the passage it saids the boy was sad so thats what the color blue represents

4.) This picture relates to the passages because it said the boy was weak and sad so I took a picture of him just staring in the field.

5.) A quote from the passage that connects to my photo is " He tired he sad he weak he cry."

6.) My photo give the same feeling as the passage because the boy just sitting starring looking like he just fed up and sad and he just at his breaking point.