Friday, February 25, 2011

Feb 25th,2011

1.) I see a girl in the middle of no where its dark outside and is levanting in the snow.

2.) I see the colors brown, green ,blue and white.
- Unrelated

4.) The meaning of this photo is to show that a girl love to legate in a lot of different areas.

 1.) The artist is Nastsumi Hayashi and she lives in Tokyo

2.) A person rising into the air by apparently supernatural means. 

3.) This artist makes herself look like she's levitating because she jumps at a certain angle to make her self look like she floating in the air.

4.) Strangers might think she is mentally ill because she was just in mid air jumping.

5.) The reason of her taking levitation because she loves levitating.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Adding Variety !

1.) One technique i use is small depth of field an example is when i my main focus point was a picture of a boy and in the background you could see the lockers but they were not my focus point.

2.) The 1st technique I never use before was shoot my photo from different angles every picture I take i take  it at the same angle I never switch it up also i never shoot from different formats

3.) The next time I take photos I will  use the shooting from different angle technique so my photos can look more interesting.

4.) You should move around you subject to make your picture look better

5.) It is good to use continuous shoot because sometimes when you keep shooting you get a better photo because its in a series.

6.)  One last tip is when you think about something in your photograph. it can make me become a better photographer because it tells you how to make you photos brilliant

Photo Planning !

1.) A snap happy photographer is a person who carless about there shots before they take them and luckily end up with a lot of wonderful photos.

2.) An over planner is a photographer who takes to long planning their pictures to make sure they get a perfect picture.

3.) I think i'm a snap happy photographer because i never take long to plan a picture i just take it carless and end with some interesting photos .

4.) What is mood of the movement?  && Is the place i'm shooting into to light or to dark?

5.)  Taking to long can kill a creative moment because when you keep stressing over a certain pose or lighting its gonna just kill the idea and the picture might not come out the way they wanted it to because its over planned and the mood can change.

6.) It's important to ask yourself questions while taking a photograph  because sometimes you gotta ask yourself  just double check and say is it to dark or to light in here where i'm taking these photographs.

Feb 18th,2011

1.) In this imagine I see a women putting up a picture of a sea with water coming out the picture into a puddle on the floor.

2.) I see the colors red ,black, tan and light green also see a rectangle and a square.

- Clever

4.) The meaning of this photo is to show us how they could make something look really realistic and it's not.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Assignment #7

1.)  The depth of field is the range distance in the photo.

2.) A small depth of field is when you focus on something that close and have things that are in the background but not really important you just  have 1 thing thats a main focus. A large depth of field is when you have a focus point but on a much bigger scale.

3.) All my photos show a small depth of field because I have a main focus point and I have little things in the background that doesn't really matter.

Feb 16th,2011

1.) I see a person reading a news paper and they spilled there coffee on the table  in some what of a design.

2.) I see the colors brown and tan and red in the females finger nails.

3.) - Formative
- Uncoordinated
- Impracticable
- Apparitional
- Fabricated

4.) I think the meaning of this picture is to tell us that this a fictional imagine of what somebody can do with coffee .

Monday, February 14, 2011

Feb 14,2011

1.) I see a guy making it seem like he's running with the road in his hand.

2.) The colors i see are green,grey and brown.


4.) I think this photograph means he trying to make it seem like he was strong or something.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Feb 8th,2011

1.) I see 3 little kids playing by a big stone wall under a bridge.

2.) The colors i see are grey, green, tan and brown also the types of shapes i see are rectangle, squares


4.) I think this photograph means that the author wanted to show us that the little kids are having fun and being adventurous without getting into trouble and kids are just being kids.

5.) i think this picture is using simplicity clear focus on point of interesting because you could see the point of the children playing but in the back ground you can see the bridge and etc. 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Feb 4th,2011

1.) I see a little girl bending down in the field picking vegetables.

2.) I see different types of greens a variation from dark to light. I also see light blue and like a tan brownish color. The different types of shapes i see is like an oval shape , a clover type shape and i see straight lines.

3.) - Mellow
- Joyful
- Tranquillize 

4.) I think the meaning of this picture is to tell the viewers that the little girl is enjoying picking vegetables by her self and it's her time to get away from things that is bothering her.

5.) I think this photo is using clear focus on the point of interest because you can clearly see the focus is on the little girl and whats she doing.